LJ Brief History  2009/11/14 00:00:00


LIJOU and Associates Consulting Engineers (LJ) was initially established in 1983 in Hsinchu County, and the company consists of a number of Landscape, Civil and Architectural Engineers. People working in LJ are always having the same career goal and contributing their best professional skills. LJ HQ office was moved to Chonglin Township in the same county after newly LJ office building was completed. 

In the early stage of LJ company, the scope of the services has covered particularly in the north regions of Taiwan ranging from Township to County Government Offices.  In 1982, July 1st part of the Hsinchu County Government was re-organised, Hsinchu city and the Hsiangshan Township became Hsinchu City as local ruling government. And central government decided, rest of the parts then ruled by Hsinchu County Government.  At that time, it was a crucial urgent assignment which required finding appropriated lands to re-locate all the county government office buildings used by the newly local government. LJ was awarded as one of the main designer to configure all the road system in the Chupei area and involving many town planning works after the final decision was made by the Hsinchu County Government. It is evitable that LJ offered a great design works. And the previous achievements which have been made in Chupei City which generated countless power of economics successes as one can show nowadays. This achievement has provided a complete and robust living environment allowing people who live in Chupei City always enjoying the best transportation and living system in north Hsinchu Area.

Upon on that LJ also involved Industrial Park Developments in the Pingtung area since year of 2003. LJ was first extended professional services in the southern Taiwan area. The main services were catered for the Pingtung County government. LJ also awarded and assigned to offer helps to design one of the major project which enable to create transportation links in-between Kaohsiung and Pingtung Regions allowing companies productions can rapidly access from either cities. Soil water reservation woks were never fall outside of LJ services. Rich company profile was the evidence of our tracks. We all believe, LJ can always bring the best and elegant professional solutions both for people living and ecological system.


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    地址 : 新辦處-新竹縣芎林鄉富林路二段282號    電話 : 03-5926568ext251    傳真 : 03-5921199    E-Mail : lijou1@gmail.com
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